'유용주저리'에 해당되는 글 12건

  1. 2011.06.04 [mobile]기타툴들..
  2. 2011.06.04 [mobile]Iphone gdb 및 기타 툴 설치
2011. 6. 4. 16:01
There are many other useful console packages, that you probably want to install via Cydia and add to your terminal. We recommend installing the following packages: adv-cmds, basic-cmds, BigBoss Recommended Tools, bzip2, cURL, Diff Utilities, diskdev-cmds, developer-cmds, ed, file-cmds, Find Utilities, Gawk, grep, gzip, inetutils, less, lzma, Midnight Commander, nano, New Vi, Nmap, network-cmds, ncftp, sed, shell-cmds, system-cmds, unrar, unzip, Vi Improved, whois, xml2, zip, 7-zip.
Posted by 땡보
2011. 6. 4. 08:26
apt-get install com.ericasadun.utilities gdb gawk zip ldid odcctools ps

위의 사이트에서 다운로드 하여 설치하면 GDB가 iOS 4.3버전에선 오동작함(4.2버전까진 정상동작함)

Posted by 땡보